Collection: Seeds

Seeds: The Seeds of Life

Seeds are the reproductive units of plants, containing an embryo that can develop into a new plant under the right conditions. They are essential for plant propagation and are a vital component of the food chain.

Parts of a Seed

  • Seed Coat: The outer protective layer.
  • Embryo: The developing plant.
  • Endosperm: The food storage tissue for the embryo.

Importance of Seeds

  • Food Source: Many crops are grown for their seeds, which are a staple food for humans and animals.
  • Oil Production: Some seeds are rich in oil, used for cooking, cosmetics, and biofuels.
  • Plant Propagation: Seeds are essential for cultivating new plants.
  • Biodiversity: Seeds play a crucial role in maintaining plant diversity.

Seed Germination

The process by which a seed develops into a seedling is called germination. It requires specific conditions, such as moisture, temperature, and oxygen.